InterVene is an up-and-coming medical device start-up company reinventing the way physicians treat severe venous disease in the legs. This technology represents the first-ever catheter-based, non-implantable approach, that allows physicians to create new vein valves for patients who are unable to efficiently pump blood out of their legs and back to their hearts. Millions of Americans currently suffer from painful venous stasis ulcers (VSUs) and other costly and devastating symptoms, yet no therapy currently exists to solve one of the most prevalent underlying causes: deep vein valve failure. InterVene plans to change that.
The company's mission is to provide the first effective and widely utilized therapy for patients suffering from the painful and costly symptoms of Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI) due to deep vein reflux (DVR). It was founded in 2011 and is based in South San Francisco, CA, USA.