Plugger solves the dead phone problem.
Plugger offers battery swapping & portable chargers at local convenience stores. For only $3, costumers can have their dead battery swapped for a newly charged one. For Apple devices (non-removable batteries), we provide a portable-battery sharing membership. Costumers join our service by purchasing our branded portable batteries, which can be swapped out for $3.
Plugger currently has over 100 service locations in Seoul, Korea. By the end of 2015, Plugger will be in over 600 locations in Korea. Our partner stores continue to request the expansion of our service to their storefronts.
Our goal for 2016 is to expand into new Asian markets, which will help us reach $10M in sales. We will continue to develop and roll-out new services, including Plugger branded smartphone accessories. We will use our established partner-store relationships as our distribution channel for new product launches.
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