Artivatic (Part of RenewBuy Group) is a digital risk & decision-making Fullstack insurtech platform that automates ,sales, process, onboarding, quote, underwriting, claims, servicing, product design, product & rule configurator, risk intelligence, pricing & fraud intelligence for carriers, brokers, distributors, re-insurance, TPAs, healthcare & providers. Artivatic provide efficiency, transparency, risk assessment, personalization and digitization in entire lifecycle of operations . The platform uses deep machine learning and proprietary algorithms for analytics, intelligence and alerts, decisions.
Artivatic is transforming legacy, traditional, complex and 'one size fits all'.
Our Some Products:
AUSIS: AI Smart Underwriting [Life, Health, SME, Alternative]
ALFRED HEALTH - AI Health claims automation system with auto-adjudication, risk connected with hospitals, TPA, & Patient
MiO: AI Sales & Marketing Platform for BFSI & Healthcare
ASPIRE Health: Shared & Automated Employee Health Benefit Placement System for Brokers, Carriers, Employers & Employees
ProdX Design: Product & Rules Design Platform
INFRD: 400+ AI Insurance Cloud API
Patient 360: Patient Health App for claims, policies, disease management, family health, opd, mental health & wellness with ABHA | ABDM
It enables businesses to have in-depth multi source data focused intelligence & decisions. Our products have demonstrated more than 50% of efficiency, 90% reduction in turnaround time, 80% better fraud identification, 70% less cost reduction, more than 60% consumer engagement, more than 40% better risk delinquencies identification and intelligence in near real time.