BRIOTECH HOCl represents a breakthrough in the modern SARS-COV-2, antibiotic-resistance era. Our world has changed forever and there is no better way to manage infection control than BrioHOCl, a broad spectrum, safe sanitizer, disinfectant and virucide that can be made cost effectively all around the world. Briotech Multi-Surface Sanitizer, made with Biotech HOCl has been proven to inactivate 99.96% of the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID 19 Pandemic Virus) in independent tests completed at the National Microbiological Laboratory of Health Canada in Winnipeg, Manitoba in July 2020. In addition to our production of Briotech HOCl for the US and global markets, Briotech has introduced distributed, scalable manufacturing through its patent pending machines. Through scalable global production Briotech will deliver our proven pure HOCl to all parts of the globe with on site production and local distribution.