A social bookmarking system for researchers and information professionals.
Links are aggregated, organized in categories, commented, taged and uploaded to the http://www.kbucket.com site.
The Kbucket authoring tool is a tabbed based browser that can mange hundreds and thousands of categories with ease and but links within 3 clicks.
Unlike other tabbed browsers Optimal Desktop manages tabs in so called Cabinet files. Each Cabinet organized its tabs into Drawers and Sections. The Drawers are the so called groups and the Sections contain the links to the web destinations.
By archiving links in context, Optimal Access is introducing a complete new and more powerful bookmarking and navigation method.
Furthermore, Optimal Access offers two levels of taxonomy. First the grouping of the links and then the tagging of the links. So one can say that the Kbucket site offers a user indexed federated and taxonomy search.