Liquid M Capital, LLC, is a financial technology company and broker dealer registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (“FINRA”) Liquid M Capital is the operators of an alternative trading system (“ATS”) that plans to use Blockchain Technology as part of the operation of the ATS. Liquid M Capital is able to facilitate the primary issuance of ICOs as a securities. The approval was a result of Liquid Markets Group’s (the parent of Liquid M Capital) advocacy and petition for rule change to the SEC in late 2015 to amend regulation ATS for unregistered securities. Liquid M Capital has achieved an approval set for a robust alternative trading system, which can transact in the full stack of unregistered and private securities. Alongside their ATS approval, Liquid M Capital was granted a Quotation Bureau which permits the publishing of real-time mark-to-market quotations of private unregistered securities. In addition, the Quotation Bureau has the ability to take indications of interest for securities purchase and sale on a 24/7 basis.